This car and my old 109 are the only cars I've owned where the back seat doesn't have to be folded. But, the narrow door and the hight of the 109 would have required a helping hand. To load the Disco is, now by experience, a one man job.
I felt that the Disco is a big car. But it is dwarfed by the new tour bus.
An extra floor made a huge difference in travelling comfort. The second floor has 16 beds, a closet and a couple of seat rows up front. The first floor has seats, toilet, kitchen and a storage for backline and smaller equipment in the back. PA and lighs travel in a trailer.
Lenny (the boss) serves coffe to Jessie (dancer) and Gabbe (hammondorganequillibrist)
Daniel is checking sound (or what you maight call the noice we're shooting at him)
Sorry for this digression, I'll try to stick to Land Rovers in the future...
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