Then it was time for stripping exterior parts and cover the windows. I spent three nice summer days painting Primadonnan in my brothers field.
A new set of tires, and she looked like this.

By this time I had met som off-road enthusiasts from SLRK, so a few dents was starting to show, but she was always keps decent for family trips. Other people noticed it too, so at a Classic Car Show she was honoured the Peoples Choice as the best off-road vehicle.

Sadly, you can't eat a Land Rover, so we took the deciscion to sell her as we were students at the time. At the time we were selling Primadonnan, a friend from SLRK called and said that he had found a Series/II for me. This car was a wreck but quite cheap (to expensive to be honest). Even if I couldn't drive it, I would at least not be out of LR. But that's another story...
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