Just as important as santa and the traditional food at Cristmast, is the Boxing Day Off Road trip. We have been participating for many years now (for Måns as long as he has lived). First by foot, then with our old series3 and our Range Rover. This year we brought our discovery for the first time.
Since the disco is the family estate and not a hobby car as our prior landies, we had no tougher off roading plans for her.
Christmast Day was raining, and in the night to Boxing Day the temerature fell quickly again. This made the ground like an ice cube. It was not icy only on the surface, but also a bit down under ground. Boxing Day morning, it was snowing, adding an extra layer of slip above the ice. This together meant that it was sometimes difficult to get traction even on level ground. With our road tyres we slid aroud as on a wet soap. It is really scary to slide sidewards without any possibility to brake or control the car!
We, Måns and I, had planned to meet up with Klas and his son Hugo in their series3 pick up. But we also spent the day with Fred
We tried our best as we slid along. Klas ended up in a mud hole and got home far too late for the family gathering, but Henrik Ek took it to yet another level as he almost buried his 109.
Even if Henrik had his winch wire far up in a tree, the car digged itself further down. The hard mud turned of his winch button, so it had to be digged out with a spade twice to get it working. He got up, but needed a serious rescue party to help him do the job.
The disco served well as a spectator bus, and as usual as our portable café.
Movieclips at youtube: