söndag 17 januari 2010


My friend an his children in their BM 350 Boxer, I and another friend with our children in our Disco went for a short whitelaneing in the thawing Sunday noon.

We, in the disco, had the advantage of heating, cosy leather seats and a niose free ride. The ones in the tractor appriciated other things, I suppose :)

But, road tires are not of much help when you leave the main road. Diff lock and Traction Control are not of much help either when there is no traction. So, we ended up being towed by the tractor. Next winter we need a more aggressive pattern!

Anyhoo, greed fools wisdom. I changed a joint in my prop shaft a while ago. Of course I should have changed all three. I have felt a small vibration the latest weeks, and back on the main road again, after all the wheel spin this thay, the next prop shaft joint gave in. So, now I'm back in two wheel drive again for a while...


onsdag 13 januari 2010


"Cars didn't drive on it to make great time, they drove on it to have a great time."
